Exterior Cleaning Services
CRM offers a wide variety of building exterior cleaning services, including chemical cleaning, media abrasive cleaning, and micro abrasive cleaning.
When cleaning a heritage or historic building, knowledge and experience of the appropriate materials and methods is key to restoring your building’s façade to its original beauty. Cleaning can be accomplished with a variety of methods, and you can rest assured CRM has the right tools for the job.
Our pressure washing systems are available in various sizes and use various detergents, degreasers and cleaners with clean water our cleaning systems operators are certified for use of the appropriate equipment.

Chemical Cleaning
Chemical cleaning is done either by hand or with pressure washers, using various specialized cleaners.
Rotec Vortex System
Our ROTEC VORTEX system uses low pressure for jobs that require gentle cleaning. Dolomite lime stone powder and crushed glass are used for micro abrasive cleaning.
Media Abrasive Cleaning
Mediablasting can remove paint, varnish, rust, dirt, grime, and smoke damage to restore the original appearance of a project without removing any original features or causing surface damage to hard surfaces such as concrete or steel. This is achieved with the use of pumice, glass bead, or other media types.